Guided Relaxations

Working with your mind and imagination to relax and create

Guided visualisations are another tool for promoting relaxation and making changes in your life.

A guided visualisation will take your mind on a journey, starting with deep relaxation and then using your imagination to harness the power of your mind.

Much in the same way affirmations work with your brain to inform the systems of the body and mind, guided visualisations are also very effective at making changes in your life.

Studies have shown that when Athletes visualise their performance outcomes this is just as effective as actual training. One such study compared two basketball teams, one trained for an hour every day, and the other spend the same amount of time visualising training. After one month the visulalising team actually had greater improvement than the other team.

Additionally the Placebo Effect is a well-known phenomenon in the medical feild demonstrating the awesome power of the mind. Patients who are told they are being given medication are actually being given sugar pills, but they respond to the tablets anyway and start to heal. This has also been shown with surgery, patients who were given 'fake knee surgery' showed the same improvement as those who were given real surgery.

This shows not only how powerful our minds are, but how much we can use that power to our advantage.

You can download a GV here.