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How do I know these really work and aren’t some new age feel-good and hope thing?
If you are like me and like a bit of “Scientific Proof” then relax there is plenty! There are many books and research papers about the effectiveness of affirmations and how are thoughts, without a question, effect our actual biology. Research, read and believe.

How long will they take to work?
For most people they start working straight away in that they start to feel great. Like most things the more you put in the more you will get out. The actual changes will take a good few listenings, daily use for a month is strongly recommended.

When is the best time and how frequently should i listen to them?
Daily, and just before or as you are sleeping is ideal. However they can be listened to at any time, while walking, doing chores, driving.

How do I know they are working?
Go by your feelings when you listen to them, trust that your subconscious is taking them in. Then wait and watch for change, it will happen!

How can I get the most out of them?
The feeling tone helps, so when you listen and repeat the affirmations allow yourself to really feel them. If you find that a challenge, or if that critical voice gets in the way then just ‘act as if’ for a few moments. ‘As if’ it were true, imagine how that would feel. Pretty good right? The imagination is a powerful tool, imagine for a moment how good it would feel to win the lottery.....and as you do your synapses in your brain start firing and sending out endorphins, these are the feel-good hormones, and perhaps even adrenaline, becuase if you have won the lottery there is a lot to do. See your body is already getting ready, because your subconscious can’t tell what is the ‘truth’.