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You Don’t Have to Believe
  1.  Affirmations speak directly to your subconscious, and the brain ‘listens’ and sends the message out to the corresponding systems of your body. 
  2.  Your mind hears the affirmation as ‘truth’.
  3.  Remember the brain cannot tell the different between reality and imagination. 
  4.  Listening to affirmations can feel silly at first, your inner critic may say “thats rubbish”, but pay no attention, they will work, remember that it’s perfectly normal not to ‘feel’ them at the beginning.
  5.  You don’t have to believe, but the affirmations will be more effective if they are believable to you, that their possibility is a believable reality to you.
  6. Affirmations work even when you listen to them while asleep.
  7. Listening to a recording of an affirmation is one of the easiest ways to use them.
  8.  Each category contains at least 15 affirmations and is 2 - 4 minutes long, the idea is that you mix and match or put on repeat to create a personal playlist of affirmations that you listen to daily.
    • There may be some overlap in categories, this only works to strengthen the affirmations.
  9. Repeating them with an emotional feeling tone greatly enhances their effectiveness. Imagine for a moment how great it would feel to have that affirmation be your truth. Feel that as you repeat the affirmation.
  10. Changing your perspective is the first step in changing everything
    • To increase their effectiveness only select a few areas to work on at a time (up to 5), and then return in a month of so to create a new playlist. 
    • If you are listening to them at night before you sleep it is best to put the 5 minute affirmation enhancer relaxation at the beginning. However, if you are listening while doing other things, including driving or operating machinery Do Not listen to the relaxation first.

Select and Download Your Own Playlist Here:


These affirmations are perfect for working on creating more Abundance in your life, be it abundance of joy or time, or more of that green stuff that may or may not grow on trees.

Abundance is your birthright. Claim it!

Body Image 

These affirmations will help you feel positive about your body. Treat your body well and it will treat you well in return.

These affirmations can also be partnered with Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Affirmations.


These affirmations will help you to feel calm through out the day. Whether you have a tendency to worry or you are feeling a little stressed, the affirmations will help you to access states of calm.

Career Confidence

Feeling confident in your career is paramount to career success. Whether you want to climb ladders all day or just approach work situations with confidence these are for you.

Connecting to the Divine

The Divine is a universal name of that which is Divine and Sacred to you. It may be God, it may be the Universe, or your Higher Self or your Guides. These affirmations work on strengthening your connection to that. In our world today, a connection to something sacred is precious.


Healthy Eating

You are what you eat. These affirmations will help you to eat healthy foods and feel great!

For a weight loss program they can be partnered with Body Image and Weight Loss affirmations.


These affirmations will have you bouncing with energy. Great used at times when you need more energy than usual or you are feeling a little tired. Come on, bounce!

Expression of Emotions

These affirmations will help you to express yourself and your emotions. Perfect if you struggle with letting emotions out safely. The world is yours, express yourself!


Faith here means faith in the self, in the future, in your life. These affirmations are perfect for using if you are finding it hard to step out of not feeling positive. 

Faith, a little goes a long way!

Fertility (for women)

These affirmations will support your body in your desire to be pregnant. They can be used alone or will compliament other forms of fertilty treatment. Use the power of your mind to help you get pregnant.

If you are using specific forms of fertility treatment and would like specific affirmations please feel free to get in touch.

General Health

These affirmations focus on keeping your body in good health. They cover the general systems of the body. If you would like affirmations for something more specific health-wise then please feel free to get in touch.


Cultivating an “Attitude of Gratitude” is a beautiful and transformative practice. These affirmations will lift your spirit and you will quickly reap the benefits of such an attitude.

Affirmations for Happiness

These Affirmations will make happiness and joy become more easily accessible states for you. Great for if you find happiness elusive sometimes or if you just want more joy in your life!

Affirmations for Immunity

These are general immune system affirmations. Great to use if you feel on the verge of the other side of wellness, or want to give your immune system a boost.

If you have a specific immunity condition you are working with and would like some personalized affirmations please feel free to get in touch.


These affirmations will help you to trust and strengthen your intuition. Your intuition is a powerful tool, use it.

Letting go of the past

Sometimes the past can take up too much space in the present. These affirmations will help you to let go and to move into the power of the present moment.

Libido Affirmations – for women

These affirmations will kickstart your libido and bring it out of hiding. Get your sexy on!


These affirmations will help you to tap into your manifesting power. Once understood properly manifesting will be one of the most powerful skills in your life. If you don’t know where to start have a look at my recommended reading.
Please email me with your manifesting success stories!
Happy manifesting

Miscarriage Recovery

The loss of a baby, no matter how early, can be devastating. These affirmations will support your body in the process of recovery from a miscarriage, both physically and emotionally.
There is also a guided relaxation that will help you in your healing process.


These affirmations will have you full of motivation and energy for whatever project you are working on. Come on you star shaker you, lets do this thing!

If you would like some personalized affirmations for a specific area you would like to give a burst of motivation please get in touch.


Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world. These affirmations will help you to feel confident and affirmed in this often thankless and I-think-I-am-going-insane, but oh-so-beautiful role. 

Recharge your parenting batteries and remind yourself what a wonderful job you are doing!


These affirmations will help you to keep a positive outlook. As I hope you know, being positive is very important for our health and wellbeing (please visit my blog for more information on this!). Use these affirmations to nourish a positive state of mind, and watch how your life changes!

Post-natal Recovery

The post-natal period, while being such a magical time, can also be challenging. These affirmations will help your body to recover and return to its pre-pregnancy state, and will help you adjust to the wild and wonderful ride that is motherhood!

Healthy Pregnancy

These affirmations will support your body in the amazing job it is doing in Growing a Human Being (!) They will reminder you of all your body is doing, and keep you and your baby healthy.

If you are dealing with a special circumstance (e.g. pre-eclamsia, high blood pressure, morning sickness etc) and would like some personalized affirmations please fill feel free to get in touch.

Connecting with your Baby

In the busy-ness of life it can be hard to stop and be still and connect with your baby. These affirmations nourish the bonding process giving you a wonderful foundation before you even meet outside the womb. 

It is a precious time and a magic journey, enjoy it now.

Birth Preparation

These affirmations will start preparing your body and mind for the amazing journey of birth. Whether it's your first time or you are a seasoned mama they will remind you that birth is something your body Knows how to do, and they will prime you to let go into that and Trust. 

The more you can relax and trust, the easier it will be.

Relationship Harmony – personal, partnership

As Beautiful as they are, sometimes relationships can be hard. But they don’t need to be! These affirmations will help your relationship to be the best it can be!

Relationship Harmony – family

Families can push our buttons big time! Sometimes that can get too much. Listen to these affirmations and watch your family relationships change. And please email me your success stories!

Relationship Harmony – work

Relations at work can effect how you feel on a daily basis. Listen to these and start cultivating the kind of relationships that make you feel good no matter what happens!

Manifesting a Relationship

These affirmations will help you to manifest the most perfect relationship for you. Your prince or princess is out there, I promise! Listen to these, wait and watch and then please email me your love story!!!


Self-esteem is all about how you feel about yourself. Having high self-esteem is a key factor in happiness and success in life.

These affirmations will help you to feel Great about yourself. Go on, you deserve it!


How much do you value yourself. In our world today self-worth is often thought to be found outside of yourself, as in ‘buy this, that and the other, and you will be and feel great!’. But actually, as I am sure you know, true self-worth comes from within.

Listen to these affirmations and start to feel that you are wonderful and perfect just the way you are, right here, right now, without buying this that and the other!

Go on, you are worth it!


Sleep is so important, yet sometimes so elusive when life gets busy and exciting. These affirmations will set you up for a restful and rejuvenating nights sleep.

Sweet dreams!

(Great paired with the Sleep Relaxation).